brand image.

A corporate identity built from a purely aesthetic point of view is lame in strategic terms, and a strategic identity without an aesthetic component has difficulties in connecting with the public.

Aligning your company’s corporate identity with your strategy

The corporate identity of a company or organisation is born from a strategic document that gathers the values, philosophy, mission, vision and purpose, if any, and then becomes a textual and visual translation.

It is a combination of strategy, creativity and skill to deliver a memorable and distinctive solution to represent a product, service, company or organisation.

The key to generating a strong and coherent corporate identity is to maintain the representation of the same values, tone and style in every expression of the brand.

Minimum elements to build your corporate identity:

  • Naming
  • Logo
  • Sub-emitter or slogan
  • Graphic language

The optimal elements:

  • Corporate Copy
  • Corporate media
  • Brand Book


Naming refers to the textual translation, to the name that a product, a project or an organisation acquires.

Choosing a good naming is essential to simplify recognition and facilitate brand recall. You can choose a word, a pre-existing term with a concept or even a fusion of terms, as long as it works, follows your strategic lines and can be registered.


The logotype is the visual translation of the naming, and must synthetically concentrate the values that accompany a project. It is the minimum unit of content of any corporate identity and must function as a seal of recognition.

Is your logo memorable, does it synthesise the values of your organisation, is it your own creation or has it been influenced by what is going on in your sector?

Sub-emitter or Slogan.

If your brand has just started to compete in the market, has repositioned itself or wants to launch a new message, it is necessary to create a sub-emitter or a slogan.

The sub-speech functions as a phrase that defines the activity or mission of a company, product or service. It summarises in one line what the brand is or what it does.

The slogan or claim are more inspirational phrases that seek to connect with the public, express values and offer a catchier and less descriptive phrase.

Graphical language.

The logo is only one part of the exercise of creating a corporate visual identity. But there is also the corporate graphic language, which defines visual elements and helps each medium to be identified as part of a whole.

The definition of the graphic language is fundamental to build a coherent brand, which finds variety in its expression but is recognised as part of a unified system.

Corporate Copy.

Copy or corporate texts are a form of expression of your brand identity in which the tone and style that defines you must be reflected. Is your brand rigorous, casual, linked to the local, the national or the international?

The texts must arouse interest, concentrate valuable content and be true to the truth.

Defining your company’s corporate copy is fundamental to correctly express the key messages for both internal staff and external audiences.

Corporate media.

A brand must be expressed under the same criteria in each medium.

By standardising the typography, the chromatic range, the photographic treatment, etc., we will ensure that the public easily detects all the supports as belonging to a single brand.

When a brand has a standardised system of sub-brands, product lines or supports in general, the benefits and virtues linked to a product or service are extended to the rest.

Brand Book.

A Brand Book is the ultimate expression of a unified corporate identity system. A manual that collects the supports, defines them and delimits them so that they become a correct expression or variant of a defined philosophy.

Having a brand book makes it easier for companies to create new media that can range from a simple dossier or Power Point presentation to billboards or animated banners.

We work with every expression of the brand

The naming, the logo, physical supports, corporate websites, digital supports, corporate texts… we work with all the expressions of your brand to generate an identity that represents you.

Take a moment to look your brand in the eye, ask yourself what it is, who it speaks to and how. If you consider that your corporate, product or service identity has room for improvement or has become obsolete, it is the perfect time for us to talk.

corporate identity

Award, Corporate Identity, Gold Award, Logo
Shall we talk about it?

If you have a project in its early stages, where the discourse is yet to be defined but the sights are high, call us and we will build a brand without limits, conceived under the highest standards.

Turn your brand into your company’s main asset, let’s talk!